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During March, the Metro Detroit + Flint Jersey Mike’s locations are celebrating their 15th Annual Month of Giving benefiting Jay’s Juniors. During the month of March, we invite you to come into your local Jersey Mike’s restaurant and make a donation to Jay’s Juniors.

  • Customers have the option to round up their purchase to the nearest dollar or donate $1, $3, or $5 when placing their order through the Jersey Mike’s mobile app or onsite.
  • Since Month of Giving began in 2011, Jersey Mike’s has raised more than $113 million for local charities.
  • This year is Jersey Mike’s 15th year of the fundraiser, and they hope to surpass last year’s record breaking $25 million fundraising total to benefit more than 200 charities throughout the country.

At Jersey Mike’s, we offer A Sub Above®. We are passionate about bringing our customers the highest quality/freshest subs in the industry

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