2019 Jay’s Juniors

Meet our past families from 2019

The year 2019 was another milestone for Jay’s Juniors, as we brought together a wonderful group of children and families for a magical experience they will always remember. Our trip to Disney World and the special activities we organized throughout the year gave these children a chance to forget about their challenges and simply enjoy being kids. We are deeply thankful to our sponsors and volunteers for making 2019 a year of joy, love, and unforgettable memories.

  • James

    Meet James! He is a 3 year old boy who is full of love, bravery, and a beautiful soul. James is an extraordinary miracle. At 4 months old he received his gift of life, a precious heart. Prior to his transplant, his failing heart lead to other major organs [...]

  • Alyea

    Meet Alyea! In the fall of 2016, Alyea experienced what seemed to be a simple earache, along with some facial pain. Weeks later, her symptoms progressed into body pain and inflammation in random parts of her body, and a lump/lesion was found on her jaw bone.After 19 months of feeling like [...]

  • Andrew

    Meet Andrew! He's 6-years-old and was born at 26 weeks gestation. He was in the NICU at Beaumont in Royal Oak for 6 months. He was home bound after that for 15 months with nurses and therapists coming to us. He was slowly allowed to do more but has had a [...]

  • Sophia

    Meet Sophia! This is Sophia! She has been a literal and physical miracle since birth!She is a diva and as sassy as you can get! Sophia loves her music! She has a wide variety and is always into the next best thing. She loves her arts and crafts, and her construction [...]

  • Antanasio

    Meet Antanasio! Antanasio is 14-years-old!He was diagnosed in 2017 with Primary Media Stynal B-Cell Lymphoma. Three months later it spread to his brain and spinal cord.He's the 2nd baseman for the Southwest Detroit Aztecs, loves watching the Detroit Tigers and enjoys playing video games. [...]

  • Cole

    Meet Cole! Cole is a very happy and energetic 8-year-old boy with a smile that can light up any room.His strong and warm hugs can brighten any day. He loves to play with cars and to look at books. His favorite shows are Bubble Guppies, Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig and Frozen. [...]

  • Loneigh

    Meet Loneigh! She's 8-years-old and was born with Down Syndrome and a heart defect, causing her to have two open heart surgeries by 5-months-old.Loneigh's mostly non-verbal, but does know some sign language. Despite being non-verbal, she's still very smart, funny and full of life. She loves giving hugs and saying hi [...]

  • Devin

    Meet Devin! This is Devin! He's an active 7-year-old boy!He loves to be outside, run around with his friends, ride his bike and play hockey.He loves cars, especially garbage trucks, police cars, firetrucks and ambulances. He wears a SWAT vest or special ops vest all the time!Lightening McQueen, Tow-Mater, Dusty Crophopper, [...]

  • Jaxon

    Meet Jaxon! Meet Jaxon! He was born at 30 weeks and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, but that doesn't stop him!We were told he would never walk. Well this boy has proved them all wrong! He not only walks but has learned how to ride a two wheel bike with training [...]

  • Natalia

    Meet Natalia! She was born a month early and right after delivery, three doctors came into the room and said she had a large hole in her heart, the largest that is possible called a Ventricle septal defect, and she would need open heart surgery to survive. She was [...]

  • Leylah

    Meet Leylah! This is Leylah! She's 7-years-old and in 2nd grade.She's one of the brightest souls you'll ever come in contact with. She's selfless and is always looking to help others around her. She has a million stuffed animals and each one has a name and home in her room. She [...]

  • Calleigh

    Meet Calleigh! Calleigh "Callie Cat" is a happy-go-lucky, energetic 7-year-old. She's in 3rd grade and her favorite classes are swimming and music. She loves to play the guitar and wrestle with her two older brothers as well. At 6 weeks old, she had her first seizure. By her 1st [...]

Jay’s Juniors Mission

Bringing Hope & Magic to Brave Young Souls

The mission of Jay’s Juniors is to bring hope, joy, and magical moments to children battling severe health conditions. Through various activities and special trips, the program aims to create unforgettable experiences that light up the lives of these brave young souls.

By partnering with generous sponsors and dedicated volunteers, Jay’s Juniors is able to organize events that cater to the needs and desires of these children. Whether it’s a trip to a theme park, a special meet-and-greet with their favorite celebrities, or other unique experiences, the program ensures that each child feels special and celebrated.