November 22, 2019

Categories: 2019 - Kids

Meet Andrew!

He’s 6-years-old and was born at 26 weeks gestation. He was in the NICU at Beaumont in Royal Oak for 6 months. He was home bound after that for 15 months with nurses and therapists coming to us. He was slowly allowed to do more but has had a very long road.

This year has been a big one for him and us! Andrew played soccer on a special needs team for the first time. He finally got off daily oxygen for the first time since he was born. In September, he started kindergarten and was placed in a general education class for the first time.

Andrew gets a lot of therapy in school and outpatient. He needs assistance and support but he has really come a long way and continues to do new things all the time that we were never sure he would be able to do even once.

For all of his delays, setbacks and hurdles he has so many strengths and is advanced in ways that blow my mind. He is actually one of only two kids in his class that can read and he reads at about a third grade reading level, if not higher. His teacher now lets him read to the class and he helps his classmates read their notes from their parents at lunch.

He has been diagnosed with Chronic Lung Disease (CLD/BPD), Cerebral Palsy and ASD to name a few. Nothing has been “normal” but he knows no different and is one of the most joyful children. He’s the most amazing, beautiful and hilarious little person I’ve ever met.

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Nominate or Submit Your Child

Do you know a family with a child facing serious health challenges who could benefit from a magical experience? Nominate them for Jay’s Juniors! Our program is dedicated to providing unforgettable moments and joyful experiences for children battling chronic and terminal illnesses. By nominating a deserving family, you can help us bring smiles, hope, and cherished memories to those who need it most.

Categories: 2019, KidsPublished On: November 22, 2019