Meet Ava!
Ava is so excited to be chosen as one of “Jay’s Juniors”, and our family is beyond excited, humbled, and grateful to have been chosen for this amazing experience. Our family has endured a lot of tragedy and heartache over the years. It started back in August, 2007 when our 18 month old son drowned in our backyard pool. After he drowned, I found out I was pregnant with Ava, our third child. We consider her our miracle child sent from her brother. Then in October 2010, my mother passed away from cancer, and then six months later in May 2011 Jamey’s (my husband) mom passed away from cancer. This brings me to Ava. On October 10, 2013 Ava was diagnosed with MoyaMoya disease. MoyaMoya disease is a chronic progressive disease of the internal carotid arteries in the brain and the arteries are narrowed and over time start to occlude and stop blood flow to her brain. Prior to her diagnosis she had been having TIA’s which are mini strokes. There is no medication to stop the narrowing or occluding of the arteries in her brain. Ava did have two brain surgeries called pial synangiosis, one on the right in December 2013, and then on the left in January 2014. They used her scalp artery and placed it on the surface of her brain in hopes that it will grow and spread and that her brain will get enough blood through the new pathway. She is and always will be high risk for having strokes and continues to have numbness and tingling her her hands and feet.
It is hard to put into words how wonderful of a little girl Ava is. Through all of this she has remained strong and brave. She is that child who is always smiling and always happy and laughing. She is bubbly and outgoing and isn’t afraid to talk to new people and make new friends. Her smile and happiness is contagious. Ava is that girl who is always willing to help her mommy or daddy. One of her favorite things to do by far is bake. She loves to bake anything with chocolate in it and she loves to be in the kitchen helping cook or bake. Chocolate is definitely one of her favorite food groups. Some of her other favorite hobbies are swimming, riding 4-wheelers around the yard, hunting with her daddy, and gymnastics. She has a love and passion for life that is contagious. She loves to listen to Taylor Swift, whom she got to see in concert this year, and Becky G. She attends 2nd grade at Isbister Elementary in Plymouth and loves school. She is definitely a straight A student. Always on top of her homework and organized. One of my favorite things about Ava is that she has a special bond with her baby brother, Liam. Liam prefers to be with Ava because she is so caring and gentle with him. I think she will make a great mom someday. Its really hard to put into words what a vivacious and happy kid she really is.
Nominate or Submit Your Child
Do you know a family with a child facing serious health challenges who could benefit from a magical experience? Nominate them for Jay’s Juniors! Our program is dedicated to providing unforgettable moments and joyful experiences for children battling chronic and terminal illnesses. By nominating a deserving family, you can help us bring smiles, hope, and cherished memories to those who need it most.