Meet Cole!
Cole is a very happy and energetic 8-year-old boy with a smile that can light up any room.
His strong and warm hugs can brighten any day. He loves to play with cars and to look at books. His favorite shows are Bubble Guppies, Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig and Frozen. Cole may sound like your typical 8-year old, but he is nothing of the sort.
Cole was recently diagnosed with a extremely rare genetic condition called Sanfilippo syndrome. It took many years to diagnose. Sadly, there is no cure for it. Cole doesn’t let it stand in his way! He continues living his best life by playing with his favorite toys and hanging out with his family. He is nothing short of exciting and unpredictable, which makes him the coolest kid around.

Nominate or Submit Your Child
Do you know a family with a child facing serious health challenges who could benefit from a magical experience? Nominate them for Jay’s Juniors! Our program is dedicated to providing unforgettable moments and joyful experiences for children battling chronic and terminal illnesses. By nominating a deserving family, you can help us bring smiles, hope, and cherished memories to those who need it most.