Meet Irfan!
Irfan is 7 years old and loves adventure. His favorite activities include painting,
going to the park, and traveling. He loves to ride on roller coasters, airplanes,
trains, and yellow school buses. He also enjoys watching youTube videos of the
cheese bus. Currently his favorite color is purple.
His taste buds are akin to his dad, Ismail, and range from sandwiches to
lobsters. But he especially loves his grandma’s beef curry with rice.
He has one of the biggest hearts in our entire family. He loves to talk to
everyone and make them feel special. He is especially attached and attentive
to his seven month old baby brother, Yaseen.
Nominate or Submit Your Child
Do you know a family with a child facing serious health challenges who could benefit from a magical experience? Nominate them for Jay’s Juniors! Our program is dedicated to providing unforgettable moments and joyful experiences for children battling chronic and terminal illnesses. By nominating a deserving family, you can help us bring smiles, hope, and cherished memories to those who need it most.