November 18, 2019

Categories: 2019 - Kids

Meet Jaxon!

Meet Jaxon! He was born at 30 weeks and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, but that doesn’t stop him!

We were told he would never walk. Well this boy has proved them all wrong! He not only walks but has learned how to ride a two wheel bike with training wheels!!! If he puts his mind to something he WILL do it.

This last year, Jaxon was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor. He has lost vision, had seizures and experienced cognitive delays from the tumor. He had brain surgery on July 2nd. Since surgery he has experienced many long term and life altering health issues. But once again, that isn’t stopping him.

He is the strongest, bravest little guy we know. He has had more needles than we will all see in our whole life. Two of his conditions he currently has are rare and we are still trying to find the right specialists to treat. Until that day… we will all be #JaxonStrong!!! 

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Nominate or Submit Your Child

Do you know a family with a child facing serious health challenges who could benefit from a magical experience? Nominate them for Jay’s Juniors! Our program is dedicated to providing unforgettable moments and joyful experiences for children battling chronic and terminal illnesses. By nominating a deserving family, you can help us bring smiles, hope, and cherished memories to those who need it most.

Categories: 2019, KidsPublished On: November 18, 2019