November 26, 2018

Categories: 2018 - Kids

Meet Marcus!

He was born in Guatemala and was placed in an orphanage.  He was adopted and at just 5 months was diagnosed with major neurological problems. 

From then on he’s been back and forth between Beaumont and Children’s Hospital. Marcus developed at a very slow pace.  At 2 ½ years old he stopped talking and started having night terrors that would last for about 3 hours.  At the age of 3 ½ he was diagnosed with Autism and AVM.  

He has had 2 13-hour brain surgeries at 5 and 10 years old.  At the age of 10, 6 months after Gamma knife Radiation, Marcus had a stroke that kept him paralyzed on the left side of his body.

Marcus has been through so much, so we can’t wait to take him to Disney!

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Do you know a family with a child facing serious health challenges who could benefit from a magical experience? Nominate them for Jay’s Juniors! Our program is dedicated to providing unforgettable moments and joyful experiences for children battling chronic and terminal illnesses. By nominating a deserving family, you can help us bring smiles, hope, and cherished memories to those who need it most.

Categories: 2018, KidsPublished On: November 26, 2018