November 5, 2015

Categories: 2015 - Kids

Meet Ripley and Tristyn!

Our story of our two girls starts in May of 2008 when Ripley was born. She was a happy baby but just didn’t want to be held. I, Katie, learned not to hold her, as she would fuss and get upset if I did. Ripley learned to walk at 9 months and didn’t talk until she was almost two years old. We noticed early on that Ripley didn’t make eye contact and would run to corners when others approached her. She oftened played by herself. Jason and I knew something was not right and kept asking for testing to see what was wrong with her. Ripley attended preschool, physical, occupational, speech therapies. In September 2012 we welcomed Tristyn to our family. My husband and myself were ready for a normal child. Tristyn was a happy baby and hardly ever fussed. I had post partum depression for 5 months. In July of 2013 Ripley was diagnosed with Autism. Jason and I felt we finely had the answer we needed and Ripley would get the help she needed. Ripley received ABA therapy, the only proven therapy for Autism, for 5 months. She made great gains and loved attending Judson Center in Royal Oak. The rest of 2013 went pretty smoothly. In March of 2014 our lives really started to change when Tristyn was diagnosed with Epilepsy and Autism. In April 2014 Tristyn was then diagnosed with severe cerebral palsy and a week later Ripley was diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy. As the months went by the girls were both busy in PT, OT, and Speech therapies. We followed up with the doctor in June of 2014 for Ripley and found out that she has mild scoliosis. We just wanted 2014 to be over with. In January of 2015 Tristyn surprised everyone by taking her first steps, something that we didn’t think would happen. Then recently in August of this year Tristyn was diagnosed with a tethered spinal cord. Tristyn has been attending ABA therapy 5 days a week at MORC Autism Center in Troy for over a year now. She has made many gains and continues to surprise us all. Ripley attends Wass Elementary in Troy where she is part of a great school community that cares very much about her. Tristyn is non-verbal but will wave hi and bye at times to others. She is loving and always has a smile to share. She has a heart of Gold and will make anyone having a bad day forget about it. She is a gift from God and has brought a whole new understanding of life to us. Ripley loves school, and going to her My Time To Shine dance class at Gotta Dance in Troy. Ripley’s favorite place to eat is McDonalds in Sterling Heights as well as the Sams Club in Utica. These two places that we go to every week and Ripley always gets the same things to eat. Ripley loves to talk about her sister and wants to make sure that you know that she has a sister. Ripley loves Curious George, Octonuts, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. She loves to roll the ball with just about anyone. She is also great playing by herself as she has a great imagination. Jason and I love our girls a lot but we wouldn’t be anywhere if it weren’t for my parents John and Miranda Spates. We live with them and they help care for both of the girls and give us a break when we need it. Our girls don’t know any other home but the one that has Nana and PopPop in it. My parents recently purchased a home that will be more accessible not only themselves but for the girls as well. Jason works part time with Autistic children as a behavioral tech at University Pediatrics Autism Center. I am a stay at home mom and get the kids to all of their appointments. Miranda works as a bus driver and John is retired.

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Categories: 2015, KidsPublished On: November 5, 2015